Agenda item

City of London Care Navigator

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.


The Committee welcomed Marion Willicome-Lang, Service Manager for Adult Social Care, who presented a report on the Care Navigator role in the City of London. Members noted that the service was designed to help ensure City residents being discharged from hospital were being successfully linked up with the correct follow-on services and support. The service had been operational since January 2015 and was commissioned from Age UK East London. Members noted that, building on the success of the role, funding had been secured from the Better Care Fund for a continuation of the service for a further year.


In response to Members questions, Members noted the City and Hackney CCG had allocated some non-recurring funding to help address delayed transfers of care and emergency admissions in the City of London, and that proposals were being developed for a new service to support City residents taken to Accident and Emergency but not admitted to hospital, who needed support to return home safely during unsociable hours. With regard to staffing, Members noted the Age UK East London provided back-office support and covered when a Care Navigator was on leave.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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