Agenda item

Appointment of Bursary and Sub-Committees

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the composition of the Board’s Bursary Committee and two Sub-Committees.


RESOLVED – That the appointment and composition of the following Sub-Committees be approved as follows for the ensuing year:-

a)    Bursary Committee

Deputy Roger Chadwick (Chairman)

Stuart Fraser (Deputy Chairman)

Deputy John Bennett

Nicholas Goddard

Andrew McMillan

Philip Woodhouse

Vivienne Littlechild

b)    Finance, General Purposes and Estates Sub-Committee

Deputy Roger Chadwick (Chairman)

Stuart Fraser

Deputy Brian Harris

Vivienne Littlechild

Philip Woodhouse


c)    Academic and Education Sub-Committee

Deputy Roger Chadwick (Chairman)

Stuart Fraser

Deputy Brian Harris

Andrew McMillan

Councillor Chris Townsend

Gillian Yarrow

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