Agenda item

New Open Spaces Business Plan 2016-19

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces that outlined the Open Spaces Business Plan 2016-19, with a particular focus on the elements within the Plan that related to the Cemetery and Crematorium. The Business Manager added that risk management had been reported in January 2016 and would be reported again at the next Committee meeting.


In response to a Member’s questions, the Superintendent of the Cemetery and Crematorium that an objective relating to the long-term percentage of market share cremations and burials would be considered in future Plans. The Superintendent added that income could still be generated from burials despite numbers decreasing as competitive prices could be charged for large variety of burial options.


In response to some Members’ suggestions regarding the installation of new fully abated cremators being brought forward from 2020/21, the Superintendent advised that the some local crematoriums used solely non-abated cremators so the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium was ahead of its competitors in this respect. He added research had shown that the mercury from the current non-abated cremators was released high into the atmosphere and then precipitated over the North Sea, so it was not a threat locally.


In response to another Member’s question, the Superintendent advised that the installation of photovoltaic panels on the flat roof of the Crematorium had produced 30,000kw of electricity during 2015/16. He added that the panels could not produce enough electricity to run the Cemetery and Crematorium site as 260,000kw were used during 2015/16.



a)    the overall Open Spaces 2016 – 2019 Business Plan be noted

b)    the key actions and performance indicators relating specifically to the Cemetery and Crematorium be approved.



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