Agenda item

City Procurement Quarterly Update (End of Year Report)

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which updated Members on the work of City Procurement and its performance for the year April 2015 to March 2016.


The report highlighted the following achievements over the previous year:

-       Annual savings of £8.48M achieved against 2015/16 target of £8.27M

-       PO Compliance average of 94% for 2015/16

-       12 month average of 96% supplier payments happened within 30 days during 2015/16

-       12 month average of 86% of SME supplier payments happened within 10 days during 2015/16

-       24% of 2015/16 annual spend was with SME suppliers (Value of £116M)

-       13 Continuous Improvement projects under the strategic theme of Operational Excellence delivered with the 2015/16 period.


A Member asked whether there were more detailed data management metrics which supported the statistics set out within the report. The Chamberlain confirmed that there were such metrics, and agreed that information of performance within these metrics could be brought to the Efficiency and Performance Sub-Committee over the next year.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes report.

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