Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the Sub Committee


Cycle Super Highway – Tudor Street


In response to a question concerning the action taken by TfL to open the Cycle Super Highway despite the Court of Common Council rescinding the previous decision of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee, the Chairman reported that the City had been asked by the Inns to convene an urgent meeting with TfL and all interested parties to try and find a solution.


A Member expressed a number of concerns about TfL’s actions, the safety of the area and the City’s liability should there be an accident and asked for officers’ views of TfL’s Road Safety Assessment of what they had built.


Members reported that several collisions and near misses had been seen between vehicles leaving Tudor St crossing the cycle super highway, and several vehicles leaving Tudor St had been seen to turn left and drive up the cycle lane, rather than turning into the northbound vehicle lane.


Members considered the fact the mitigation measures had not been implemented was contributory factor to problems in the area and questioned the City’s liability if there was an accident. A further question was also raised concerning what consent TfL had to undertake their works in Bridewell Place.


Marianne Fredericks proposed a motion calling for the immediate closure of Tudor Street. This was not supported although the Sub-Committee felt there was a need for quick and immediate action.


It was agreed that the responses to the questions raised should be circulated to Members after the meeting to enable officers to fully investigate the issues.