Agenda item

Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No.29.



The Committee proceeded to elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No.29.


The Town Clerk read a list of Members eligible to stand and John Scott, being the only Member expressing his willingness to serve, was duly elected as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.


The Chairman thanked the Committee for their continued support and welcomed Randall Anderson and Deputy Michael Cassidy to the Committee following their appointment at the April meeting of the Court of Common Council.


He also took the opportunity to thank the five Commoners who had now left the Committee for their contribution, viz. Deputy Dr. Giles Shilson, James de Sausmarez, Elizabeth Rogula, Graham Packham and Deputy John Barker.


Finally, the Chairman welcomed Deputy Michael Welbank, the new Chief Commoner to the meeting.