Agenda item



The Chairman reported that the Deputy Chairman had recently been approached by another elected Member regarding the potential influence of freemasonry within the Corporation. The Deputy Chairman had responded to the Member in writing and undertook to raise the matter with the Standards Committee. The text of the Deputy Chairman’s response was detailed within the Committee papers.


The Chairman clarified that no formal complaint had been made to the Committee regarding Freemasonry under the Code of Conduct to date.


A Member commented that, whilst he was nervous speaking on the subject, he questioned whether Freemasonry could lead to political interference or unconscious bias amongst elected Members whose political careers were dependent on the support of their colleagues on the Court of Common Council. He went on to question whether it was proper to use Corporation resources/premises for Freemasonry meetings and arrangements and highlighted that there was also a potential PR risk for the organisation in this respect.


It was suggested that Guildhall Lodge should consider holding a future open afternoon and begin to look at a constructive way forward.


A Member commented that the Ministry of Defence had now banned all masonic meetings on their premises.


The Chairman reported that he understood that Guildhall Lodge were treated typically in terms of charging when seeking to use Corporation premises for meetings or other events and that they did not supersede commercial events. He added that he believed that the Lodge also paid commercial rates for the hiring of Mansion House.


The Chairman requested that the Remembrancer clarify the rates applied to the Guildhall Lodge for the use of Guildhall facilities.  



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