Agenda item

Applications for Hospitality

(B)         Applications for Hospitality to consider one recommendation concerning the provision of hospitality, to coincide with a meeting of the Association of Commonwealth Speakers.

For Decision




31 May 2016

(B) Applications for Hospitality


Commonwealth Speakers Association Standing Committee Dinner

The Standing Committee of the Association of Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers were due to meet in London from 12 – 14 January 2017. The meeting was to be attended by Speakers and Presiding Officers of sixteen national parliaments of Commonwealth countries and would be jointly hosted by the Speaker of the House of Commons and the Speaker of the Seychelles National Assembly. The main aims of the meeting were to prepare for the biennial conference of Commonwealth Speakers, to take place in the Seychelles in 2018 and it had been proposed that the City Corporation host a tour of Guildhall and dinner on the evening preceding the main working sessions of the meeting.


It was therefore recommended that hospitality be granted for a dinner for the Association of the Commonwealth Speakers with arrangements to be made under the auspices of the Hospitality Working Party; the costs to be met from City’s Cash and within the approved parameters.


This would be a Committee event.


Resolved – That hospitality be granted and that the arrangements be made under the auspices of the Hospitality Working Party; the costs to be met from City’s Cash and within the approved cost parameters.


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