Agenda item

Transformation and Efficiency Boards update

Joint report of the Deputy Town Clerk and the Chamberlain.


The Committee received an update from the Transformation and Efficiency Boards and, in particular, considered the following areas:


Guildhall Accommodation Review

The Deputy Town Clerk confirmed that the timetable in relation to implementing the Guildhall Accommodation Review (as reported in paragraph 4 of the report) was correct and that approximately 500 people would be affected by the various office moves. The timetable had also been planned to ensure minimal disruption to departments during key events such as delivering the annual accounts. In response to a question, the Deputy Town Clerk acknowledged that the City Corporation could also look at new ways of working which could capitalise on certain staff being located closer together.


Strategic Finance Review

New style monthly budget monitoring reports to be sent directly to responsible budget managers from June would aim to be clear to non-finance professionals. Members were invited to provide feedback to the Chamberlain as these could be refined as necessary.


The Chairman stated that it would be useful if reports could include a breakdown of internal and external staffing costs charged to City Corporation projects, especially where recharges could be made such as Transport for London (TfL) initiatives and under ‘Section 106 agreements’. The Chamberlain agreed to consider this area and report back to the Sub Committee.


Value for Money (VfM) conclusion

The Chamberlain informed Members that a positive Value for Money (VfM) conclusion for 2011/12 had been received from the external auditors (further to the reference in paragraph 16 of the report).


Local Area Performance Solution (LAPS)

Members noted some concerns regarding the number of carers that had received a carer assessment (as identified in paragraph 25 of the report) and it was noted that this matter had been referred to the Director of Community & Children's Services for an update to be provided to Members at the next meeting. It was noted that the LAPS dashboards showed that the City of London Corporation was performing very well but it would be useful if this could also show whether this had been achieved within any VfM criteria.


Members were advised that the Sub Committee’s work programme (as agreed at 18 May 2012 meeting) would be revised and brought back to the Committee for consideration at its next meeting.



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