Agenda item

Appointment of the Bursary Committee

To appoint the Bursary Committee for the ensuring year – to comprise the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and up to five other Governors.


The Bursary Committee for 2015/16:-

Ian Seaton (Chairman)

Deputy Dr. Giles Shilson (Deputy Chairman)

Deputy the Reverend Stephen Haines

Edward Lord

Sylvia Moys

Deputy Joyce Nash

Dame Mary Richardson


[N.B. The Sub Committee met once during 2015/16.]



The following Members were appointed to the Bursary Committee for the ensuing year.


·         Ian Seaton (Chairman)

·         Deputy James Thomson (Deputy Chairman)

·         Deputy the Reverend Stephen Haines

·         Edward Lord

·         Sylvia Moys

·         Deputy Joyce Nash

·         Dame Mary Richardson