Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the Sub Committee


Officers were asked to provide responses to the following questions to be added to the list of Outstanding References.


‘A ward resident has raised the issue of inconsistent marking of parking on raised carriageways at the last two Castle Baynard ward meetings. On some raised areas the marking is single yellow lines on others it is double. In fact parking on these areas is an offence irrespective of the marking. The resident believes that this amounts to entrapment and I agree. This has been raised at previous S&W meetings and despite assurances that this will be addressed nothing has happened. While recognising that this has been delayed because of staff shortages can officers provide an update and also commit to a time table for addressing this please?’


‘Last week a bus broke down on Fleet St in the section containing the long police island. This caused gridlock as traffic behind the bus was unable to proceed by bypassing the vehicle. Can officers investigate and determine by consultation with the CoLP what exactly do these islands accomplish? And more importantly can they be removed or at least shortened so that disruption of this nature does not occur (or is minimised) in the future?’