Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee


Daytime Population


A member expressed concern at the level at which the daytime population was increasing and the transport network was at saturation point. The Policy and Performance Director  advised that the Local Plan included projections for the working population to increase and the scale of growth being experienced recently was consistent with future plans and was supported by appropriate existing or planned infrastructure.  The current review of this Local Plan would also provide an opportunity to review these issues to ensure that growth in the City was sustainable and was complemented by appropriate infrastructure and change at street level. 


Audit of Public Realm


A Member expressed concern regarding the state of the under croft at 122 Leadenhall St (the Cheesegrater) and asked what measures were taken after the granting of planning permission to monitor sites and ensure the relevant conditions were met.


The Chief Planning officer advised that sites were monitored after approval and undertook to investigate the issue and report back to the Member.


Removal and Relocation of Bus-Stops


A member raised the issue of the impact of development work on bus-stops which were often just removed all relocated and asked if TFL could be asked to provide clear signage regarding temporary arrangements.


Officers undertook to contact TfL about the issue.