Agenda item

Energy Targets Update - Annual Review 2015/16

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor which provided an annual performance update on the energy reduction targets set out in the Carbon Descent Plan 2015 (CDP-15) and energy spend. The performance update covered the 12-month period from April 2015 to March 2016 and included changes in the reporting methodology (weather correction) and introduction to performance benchmarking.


The Chairman advised the Sub-Committee that consideration was being given to moving responsibility for energy matters to the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee as this sat more comfortably within that Sub-Committee’s asset management remit. He explained that if this was agreed by the Finance Committee, this report should be submitted to a future meeting of the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee for consideration.


Members commented that the report provided more appropriate information than had been provided in previous iterations of this report, but it now required more detailed information regarding the actions which would be taken to improve performance against the energy targets. Members also commented that any future extension of the existing LASER contract would need to have a more thorough value for money assessment.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee:


  • Notes the contents of this report.
  • Supports various departments in taking positive actions related to energy reductions.
  • Supports the progress towards an Energy Strategy and a more cohesive approach to its implementation.

Supporting documents: