Agenda item

Social Isolation

To receive a presentation from Professor Roger Green.


The Committee received a presentation from Professor Roger Green regarding social isolation and noted that whilst the actual prevalence of social isolation and loneliness across the City of London is still an unknown figure the following findings indicate it is a significant experience for many of the City’s residents.


Members considered the following issues:

  1. ‘Bumping’ Spaces – further develop and create more imaginative community spaces for people to meet and greet.
  2. ‘A glass half-full?’ Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Approach – grow the existing good community development practice.
  3. Community Groups – build on the current excellent group opportunities by further developing new, different focused and more inclusive groups.
  4. Computer Skills – develop a more co-ordinated response to the existing opportunities that exist – reach those residents in need of computer skills.
  5. Estate Connections: Building Social and Community Capital – further develop the existing good practice by supporting residents from the estates to share ideas for joint community development activities; help further develop social and community capital.
  6. Loneliness and Social Isolation Forum – develop a more strategic response by creating a forum to bring together all key stakeholders including service users and residents.
  7. Pets - Ownership of a pet enhances individuals health and general wellbeing, and  promotes increased social capital across a community. Consideration should be given to revisiting the current policy.
  8. Volunteering and Befriending - A more co-ordinated response to volunteering and consequently befriending should be considered across the City of London.
  9. Learning from residents not experiencing social isolation or loneliness - people with social connections, friendships, and social networks and a high degree of personal resilience, for e.g. moving on from a situation that creates loneliness such as losing a life partner, seemed to be either embedded within positive community and social networks and/or have a high degree of personal social and emotional capital. This is an area in need of further research?


In response to a query, Members noted that community-led events and initiatives were a very valuable asset when helping to take social isolation. Member agreed that this should be encouraged, and agreed that involvement from Members would also prove very helpful. The Committee were informed that a response to Professor Green’s research would be submitted to the September meeting.


Resolved – that the presentation be received.