Agenda item

Update from City of London Police by Chief Inspector Hector McCoy & Paul Clements


The Committee received a presentation from Chief Inspector Hector McCoy regarding ward policing and noted updates on the following matters:

·        Terrorism: the current level of threat remained at severe due to an attack being likely.

·        Challenging Financial Climate: to tackle the amount of resources spent, Officers focussed on early intervention to prevent issues from erupting in the community.

·        Communication and Engagement: a consultation was due to commence regarding the levels of communication and engagement exercised by the City of London Police and the community in the City.


Members noted that the Health & Wellbeing Board was working closely with the City of London Police to help prevent suicides on bridges in the City. Signs had been erected along London Bridge to deter people from jumping and provide assistance to members of the public who encountered a situation with a suicidal person along the bridges.


Resolved – that the update be received.