Agenda item

Suicide prevention: Bridge signs

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services informing of the need for Samaritan and Royal National Lifeboat Institution signage to be placed on City of London bridges in order to reduce suicide attempts from the bridges.


The Committee noted that it was considering the report in its capacity as trustee of Bridge House Estates. The need for both sets of signs on the bridges was also noted. The Samaritans’ signs were aimed at offering a person who might be looking to commit suicide from a bridge within the City of London someone to speak to. In contrast the RNLI signs gave witnesses instructions of what to do should they see a person jump into the River Thames so that the Coastguard was able to rescue them as quickly as possible.


In response to a question asking if a direct number was available to call, the Committee was advised that callers would be instructed to call 999 and ask for the coastguard.




1)            Agree the principle of the proposal and the making of applications for planning permission, advertisement consent and listed building consent as necessary; and


2)            Subject to any necessary consents being obtained, authorise the Comptroller and City Solicitor to prepare and complete any necessary licences permitting the placing of the signs on the Bridges.



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