Agenda item

Flat 6 Amen Lodge Warwick Lane London


The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer seeking approval for planning permission for the installation of one air conditioning unit on the sixth floor flat roof associated with a flat at second floor level. The proposed unit would be located behind an existing brick upstand and would not be visible from street level.


The Committee was advised that acoustic information had been submitted to demonstrate that the proposal would not cause noise and disturbance and the visual impact would not significantly detract from the appearance of the building or from the character and appearance of the St Paul's Cathedral Conservation Area. However the proposal had attracted 5 objections from residents in nearby properties relating to increased noise and disturbance and to clutter on the roof.


The Committee raised a number of questions in relation to the clutter on the roof, acceptable noise levels, incremental increase in background noise levels resulting from air conditioning units and possible loss of amenity. The committee was advised  that the existing air conditioning unit was not operational but had been in place for over four years. Members also sought assurance that nearby residents would be advised of the planning conditions and provided with a City Corporation contact in the event of noise problems from the proposed unit. The Chief Planning Officer confirmed this would be done. .


RESOLVED – That planning permission be granted for the proposal in accordance with conditionsset out in the attached schedule.



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