Agenda item

Historic Telephone Kiosks


The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer updating on the position on the City’s historic K2 and K6 telephone kiosks following the previous decision that they should in principle be retained in red livery and adapted for public benefit such as WiFi capacity where feasible.


The Committee was advised that 20 of the kiosks were listed at grade II, while 22 of them were unlisted. The condition, location and townscape value of each kiosk had been assessed in detail, with a particular focus on the 22 unlisted K6 kiosks. The majority of these unlisted kiosks made an important, distinctive contribution to the City’s townscape and it was proposed that these should be retained with repair and maintenance work where required. Only three were in locations that could support an alternative public use. Officers had engaged with the three main owner groups, all of whom were willing in principle to install WiFi in their kiosks.


The Committee was further advised that each kiosk’s townscape value was graded ‘neutral’, ‘medium’ or ‘high’, and while 14 of the unlisted kiosks fell into the ‘high’ and ‘medium’ categories, 5 fell into ‘neutral’.


The Committee raised a number of questions in relation to the grading of the kiosks, whether any of those listed could be unlisted, possible alternative uses and whether some could be located instead of removed. With regard to the five kiosks listed as ‘neutral’ Members felt that these should be considered on a case by case basis and a balanced view taken in relation to their relocation or removal.




1)         The City continues to work proactively with kiosk owners to develop WiFi capability or other public benefit in kiosks and to improve their condition;


2)         The City seeks opportunities through dialogue with the owners or the planning system to secure repair, maintenance or sympathetic new uses for individual kiosks in line with the recommendations contained in Appendix 3 of the report; and


3)         A further report on progress be brought back to the Committee.



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