Agenda item

Golden Lane Playground Refurbishment

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


At the February 2016 Committee meeting, Members approved the Gateway4/5

report enabling the project to proceed. However, Members also raised queries in

relation to the visibility of the playground from the podium area of the Golden

Lane estate.


Members tasked officers with investigating possible alterations to the perimeter

wall that could help enhance the visibility of the playground.


Officers have consulted City planners, Historic England, structural engineers and

an independent safety play adviser to assess whether alterations to the wall

would achieve enhanced visibility, and to identify design improvements that

would contribute to further reduce opportunities for anti-social behaviour.

The City planners’ and Historic England’s advice is that the perimeter wall makes

a significant contribution to the special architectural and historic interest of the

Grade II listed estate. The structural constraints and impact of significant

alterations to the wall have also been carefully considered. However, some

enhanced visibility can be achieved through design adjustments, such as further

raising the proposed levels of the new playground and incorporating motion

sensor lighting in key locations as a deterrent.


Resolved – that the update be received.


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