Agenda item

Investing in Londoners - monitoring data report - September 2013 to March 2016


The Committee received a report of the Chief Grants Officer which provided an analysis of data collected from annual grant monitoring reports received in the first two and a half years of the Investing in Londoners grants programme, which ran from September 2013 to March 2016. The report set out the range of work funded; how well work had progressed against the outcomes agreed at application stage; feedback from, and a statistical breakdown of, users/beneficiaries; and the relationship with the Trust more broadly, including what worked well and what did not.


Officers advised that most monitoring visits were providing good or very good reports which suggested that work being delivered was of a good quality and the organisations were collecting evidence to show how their work was making a difference. 75% said that their City Bridge Trust grant had positively affected their fundraising efforts, and 95% of grantees stated that their grant had brought additional benefits including the number and reach to different types of users/beneficiaries, improved partnership working, and the ability to plan ahead more strategically through multi-year funding. 


Members noted the number of beneficiaries and their geographical distribution, which broadly followed the Government’s 2015 Indices of Multiple Deprivation. Members noted the caveat regarding quality of data, and were advised that this meant equality data could not be reliably analysed at the moment. Officers advised that the Trust would explore alternative methods to collect and analyse data, though it was still useful to give an indication of overall trends by borough.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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