Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


RESOLVED – That the list of outstanding references be noted and updated as appropriate.


20mph Speed Limit

As requested at the previous meeting the Sub-Committee asked for the update to be circulated as part of the agenda. In addition the City of London Police were, in future, requested to provide a written report to each committee meeting including historic trend data and analysis.


Mayor’s Vision for Cycling

An update in relation to the safety of cyclists using the proposed Quietways along Primrose Street was provided and the Sub-Committee was advised that Bishopsgate was part of the Transport for London Road Network and TfL were proposing to improve the junction as part of the wider Cycle Grid proposals. The proposal included Advance Stop Lines on all approaches and early green start for cyclists. These would provide a better and safer use of the junction. However, as there were no further improvements for cyclists along Bishopsgate or Norton Folgate, eastbound cyclists would be encouraged (with the use of signage or road markings) to proceed straight across the junction and use Spital Square. Spital Square was much quieter and also part of a possible future Quietways route. 


Local Byelaws

The Sub-Committee asked for a report back to the next meeting on the steps that needed to be taken to amend the existing byelaws in relation to the use of wheeled modes of transport on the City walkways.





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