Agenda item

Dewhurst House 24-30 West Smithfield London EC1


Proposal: Dewhurst House 24-30 West Smithfield London EC1

Conversion and part demolition of the building to create a hotel (Class C1), including refurbishment of the northern part of the building fronting West Smithfield and Hosier Lane and demolition of the southern part of the building

fronting Cock Lane and erection of an 8 storey extension above ground and single level shallow basement below; alteration to rear service bay area, including the provision of 1 no. disabled parking space and cycle parking; replacement plant at roof level and basement, including reduction of existing plant enclosure on northern part of the building; ancillary restaurant at basement level and other

incidental works, all in connection with the change of use

of the building.


Registered No: 16/00215/FULMAJ


The Chief Planning Officer advised the Committee of an amendment to Recommendation 1 (to recommend approval rather than delegation to the Chief Planning Officer to determine). The Chief Planning Officer also advised that an email had been received from Smithfield Market Tenant’s Association to confirm support for the application and that they believed the proposed development would be a welcome addition to the area.


The Committee was advised that loss of office use at the site was accepted in the extant planning permission for change of use to residential. In support of the current application, a financial viability assessment had been prepared, the conclusions of which satisfactorily demonstrated that the office use at this site would not be financially or commercially viable and the principle of the change of use is

considered to be in accordance with relevant policies.


The Committee expressed the view that the proposed part refurbishment and part redevelopment of the site to provide a hotel would not prejudice the business function of the City and would provide a complementary use which would contribute to the overall mix of uses and enhance the provision of visitor accommodation in close proximity to the cultural hub.


Upon being put to the vote the application was approved.


Vote: 27 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.




(a)          Planning permission be granted for the above proposal in accordance with the details set out in the attached scheduled, subject to


(i)            Planning Obligations and other agreements being entered into as set out in the body of this report, the decision notice not to be issued until such obligations have been executed;


(b)          That your Officers be instructed to negotiate and execute obligations in respect of those matters set out in "Planning Obligations" under Section 106 and any necessary agreements under Section 278 of the Highway Act 1980.


Supporting documents: