Agenda item

191 Fleet Street London EC4A 2NJ - Retention of Shopfront.



Proposal: Retention of Shop front


Registered No: 15/01319/FULL


The Chief Planning Officer reported that retrospective permission was being sought to retain the existing shop front, which had been installed without planning permission. The original granite cladding had been replaced with glass, back painted white a grey tiled stall riser had been added; and the windows had been increased in size.


The Committee was advised that planning permission was granted in 2015 for the installation of new shop fronts to the Fleet Street and Chancery Lane elevations and relocation of entrance to Fleet Street. The scheme was a negotiated scheme, where the applicant was given clear advice as to what would and would not be acceptable and that the granite cladding should be retained.


The Committee considered that the current shop front was totally out of character and detracted from the character and appearance of the Fleet Street Conservation area. The applicant had also demonstrated a blatant disregard for the advice provided by officers.


Upon being put to the vote the application was refused.


Vote: 27 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstentions.


RESOLVED – That the application be refused for the reasons set out in the report schedule and the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to commence enforcement action in order to remove the ground floor cladding and reinstate the granite.




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