Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 8 November 2016.


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 November were agreed as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:


Page 3

“Report to follow” to be deleted from the heading.


Page 4

“Park and Ride” to be amended to “Park and Walk”.

Matters Arising


A Member raised that in relation to the Mark Lane Public Realm Enhancements which were discussed at the last meeting; if the police security barrier will go back past the servicing entrance to continue to allow servicing to the building via 70 Mark Lane, it had been agreed that the barrier would be flexible and could be retracted up and down so that the road could be opened up if required.


The Chairman advised that the Outstanding References report had been circulated to the Sub-Committee and would be considered under matters arising.


Parking for Motorcyclists

In response to Members asking that this piece of work be brought forward from 2017/18, officers reported that further advisement of timings would be considered at the January Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee meeting, but it will be a priority on the 2017/18 business plan for consideration at the February Planning and Transport Committee.


20mph Speed Limit

A report would be submitted to the February meeting.


Swan Pier

The matter had been referred to the City Surveyor and would be brought to the Sub-Committee in early 2017.


Cloth Fair Noise

The Chairman advised that both he and the Deputy Chairman would be attending a meeting with ward members in relation to this. A report would be brought to the January meeting of the Sub-Committee.


Inconsistent Road Markings

An update would be provided on this later in the meeting.


RESOLVED – That the list of outstanding references be noted and updated as appropriate.

Supporting documents: