Agenda item

To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2016.


The public minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2016 were approved, subject to the inclusion of John Tomlinson in the list of Members present.


Matters Arising - Central Criminal Court and Outside Bodies Sub-Committees


The Chairman referred to the Central Criminal Court and the Outside Bodies Sub-Committees and advised that in the absence of specified arrangements for the chairmanship of sub-committees the default position was that they would be chaired by the Chairman of the Grand Committee. He advised that given the longevity of the two sub-committees, he was keen for them to be chaired by one of his Deputies. He had asked  Catherine McGuiness to chair the Central Criminal Court Sub-Committee and Simon Duckworth  to chair the Outside Bodies Sub-Committee.


Members were of the view that currently there was no consistency in the approach taken on the chairmanship of sub-committee. Whilst the Committee had no objection to the Chairman’s suggestions, the Town Clerk was asked to look at the procedures applied to the appointment of the Chairman of a Sub-Committee to ensure that it was dealt with in a consistent manner by all committees.




1.    it be noted that Catherine McGuinness had been asked to chair the Central Criminal Court Sub-Committee and Simon Duckworth the Outside Bodies Sub-Committee; and


2.    The Town Clerk be requested to look at the procedures applied to the appointment of the Chairman of a Sub-Committee to ensure that it was dealt with in a consistent manner by all committees.


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