Agenda item

Crossrail Art Programme - Farringdon Proposal

Report of the Town Clerk.


Catherine McGuiness took the chair for the following item:-


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the Crossrail Arts programme and the installation of artwork at Farringdon Station.


RESOLVED – that:-


1.   the proposal for the City of London Corporation to fund an artwork at the Eastern Ticket Hall of Farringdon Station from the existing funding allocation for the Crossrail Art Programme (originally up to £3.5m) at an estimated cost of up to £200,000 be approved and that the sum applied for this purpose did not need to be match-funded by another sponsor;


2.   should the final cost be greater than £200,000, the approval of the final sum to be paid for the artwork from be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with two of the Committee’s Deputy Chairmen;


3.   the approval of a variation to the terms agreed in respect of the City Corporation’s match-funding commitment (provided by letter dated 22 June 2015 to the Crossrail Art Foundation and 4 November 2015 to Crossrail Ltd) and which arises from decisions taken in accordance with (1) and (2) above be delegated to the Town Clerk; and


4.   it be noted that no additional resources were required.


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