Agenda item

Deep Dive Risk Review - CR19 - IT Service Provision

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a ‘deep dive’ risk review report of the Chamberlain in respect of Corporate Risk CRO19 (IT Service Provision).  The report was presented by the Chamberlain and the Head of Information Technology and Acting Chief Information Officer.


Prior to the discussion of this item, Members agreed to exclude the public, should the discussion stray into the possible disclosure of exempt information.


It was therefore RESOLVED, that – under section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 12 A of the Local Government Act.


During the discussion and questions the following points were noted:


·       The report set out the headlines for a new drive and focus on risk and resilience to ensure that the organisation experienced fewer interruptions to service.  Members noted that the Information Technology Sub Committee would receive a more detailed report at its next meeting at the end of September 2016.


·       The Head of Information Technology set out his immediate priorities; i.e.  the upgrade of the network infrastructure and replacement of ageing equipment, particularly in the West Wing.  Members noted that, historically, there had been some under-investment in this area and therefore the new transformation programme would need to be holistic.  


·       The new vision for IT would be based on ‘buy – not build’, as this would help to build resilience and reduce dependence on single points of failure.


·       Immediate works included remote access, which was being mitigated and testing would be complete over the next couple of weeks in order to fully accommodate home working. 


In concluding, the Head of IT advised that he was confident that the measures now in place, as set out in the report, would reduce the risk to amber by next year, with further reductions expected over the next 2 years. The new Chairman of the IT Sub Committee, who is also a Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, commended the work of the  Head of IT, particularly the recent improvements to the risk register.


Members expressed concern over the historic under-investment and emphasised the importance of skills to manage the outsourced contracts. The Chamberlain welcomed the input from those Members who were skilled in contract management and experienced in outsourced working environments.




  1. The report be noted.


  1. This Meeting of the Audit and Risk Management Committee return to public session.





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