Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


Annual Committee Dinner

The Chairman reported that the date of this year’s Committee dinner was still to be confirmed with the Remembrancer’s Department.


Potential Judicial Review

In response to questions, the Comptroller and City Solicitor updated the Committee on a potential judicial review. The Comptroller confirmed that, in July, he had received a 19 page letter before claim concerning the recent case overseen by the Committee and alleging procedural impropriety. The Comptroller went on to confirm that he had robustly responded to each of the points in the letter before claim, concluding that they did not begin to raise an arguable case and were out of time.


The Committee were informed that a further two points were raised in early September which were also fully responded to and it was, again, pointed out that there was a timing issue – any challenge should be made promptly and, in any event, within 3 months – this timeframe had clearly lapsed. The Committee were informed that no further communication had been received to date.