Agenda item

Revenue Outturn 2015/16 - Finance Committee Operational Services

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which compared the revenue outturn for the operational services overseen by the Finance Committee in 2015/16 with the budget for the year. The report also detailed the carry forward requests which had been approved.


The Chamberlain explained that the overspend for the Guildhall Complex within the City Surveyor’s Department and the underspend for the Guildhall Complex for the Remembrancer’s Department were both intrinsically related to the increased use of Guildhall. The Chamberlain explained that additional costs for the increased use were accrued by the City Surveyor’s Department, while the additional income was credited to the Remembrancer’s Department. The Chamberlain advised Members that he intended to create a trading account for the use of Guildhall. This would ensure that financial information was captured in an accurate manner, which would inform decisions regarding the use of Guildhall.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the revenue outturn for 2015/16 and the budgets totalling £347,000 to be carried forward to 2016/17.

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