Agenda item

Terms of Reference and Frequency of Meetings

Report of the Town Clerk.


Members of the Sub-Committee was invited to consider the terms of reference and frequency of meetings. It was noted that the current terms of reference did not correctly reflect the purpose and priorities for the subcommittee as set out in the report proposing its establishment, nor did they set out the constitution or quorum for the group. Members agreed that the terms of reference should also include that for a period of five years, from June 2016 to April 2021, the Sub-Committee would be responsible for oversight of the management of all matters relating to the Central Criminal Court, the City of London Magistrates’ Court and the Mayor’s and City of London Court.


The Deputy Chairman said that the Sub-Committee was being provided with an opportunity to promote and manage the work undertaken by the three City of London courts.


The Deputy Chairman also highlighted that the future of another Court in London was currently under consultation; if this resulted in the closure of the Court it was possible that more cases would need to be considered at the City of London Magistrates’ Court or the Old Bailey. This would have implications on whether certain maintenance and upgrade works would need to be undertaken at these Courts. Members agreed that the strategy regarding the contribution of the courts would help to identify which works needed to be prioritised.


It was agreed that the remit of the subcommittee should take a holistic approach regarding all three City of London Courts and that a strategy should be drawn up covering all three rather than approaching items of work individually. The Town Clerk was tasked with revising the terms of reference and setting up a special meeting of the subcommittee in the beginning of December where the terms of reference and strategy would be considered, after which the reports would be submitted to the Policy and Resources Committee for their consideration at the meeting on 15th December 2016.


The Chairman asked Members to consider inviting Alderman Alison Gowman to serve as an observer on the Sub-Committee in her capacity as Chairman of the Aldermen and Magistracy Sub-Committee. Members agreed that this would be beneficial to the work of the Sub-Committee.


Resolved – That, Alderman Gowman be invited to serve as an observer on the Courts Sub-Committee and that the Town Clerk revise the terms of reference and arrange a special meeting of the subcommittee in December 2016.

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