Agenda item

Central Criminal Court Business Plan 2016-19

Report of the Secondary and Under Sheriff of London.


The Sub-Committee considered the Business Plan which related to the Central  Criminal Court. Members noted that the plan was due to be refreshed and in future the plan would combine the business plans of all three City Courts. Members noted that the department had continued to expand its wider educational and outreach roles with some 71 visits having taken place in the past year. There had been a significant increase in daytime visits from schools, universities and judicial related initiatives with a particular emphasis on diversity and inclusion.


The Sheriffs had also expanded the target audience for lunches and a number

of “themed” lunches had taken place specifically focusing on certain target

audiences, promoting the rule and significance of law in successful commerce

and to promote the close relationship with the Judiciary and the Corporation of

London’s responsibility for the Central Criminal Court.


A Member queried whether an event could be hosted to thank the Treasury Counsel for their work. The Chairman agreed to investigate this matter outside of the meeting.


In response to a query regarding the financial aspects of the business plan, the Secondary and Under Sheriff agreed to circulate a paper relating to these matters to Members of the Sub-Committee.


Resolved – that the report be received.

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