Agenda item

IT Service Performance Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain providing details on recent service performance. A number of the priority one incidents had been caused by a reoccurring outage at Walbrook Wharf, which had now been stabilised. The outage which had affected the City of London Police had been caused by a fault with the provider, Vodafone, which had affected multiple Vodafone users.


In response to a query from a Member it was explained that the “shift left” referred to the desire for the service desk to gain more knowledge so they could resolve more queries at the first point of contact with the user. It was further explained that the cause of the surge in incidents following the holiday period was due, in part, to staff forgetting passwords. The re-set password self-service had only been partly successful in the Corporation (it had seen wider success with the City of London Police). This would be addressed under the managed service desktop transformation programme.


Officers undertook to add narratives to the graphs in future iterations of the report.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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