Agenda item

Contracts Update: Managed Print and Microsoft License Volume Reseller Contract

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain concerning the review of two existing contracts; the managed print service and the Microsoft volume reseller contract.


Managed Print Service

There was confidence that the short tender process would be manageable, with the City Procurement team closely involved in the process. Members felt that the procurement presented an opportunity to discourage unnecessary printing. It was noted that this would be further addressed by the wider measures outlined in the strategy for departments to be responsible for their IT resources.


         Microsoft Volume Reseller

Members discussed the number of licenses required, and whether this could be reduced with the introduction of Office 365. Officers confirmed that there would be scope to remove licenses for peripheral products, and for there to be expiration on unused licenses, however core product licenses would still be required for almost all staff. The Chairman asked for a report on the matter to be brought to the next meeting of the Committee.


Resolved – That the report be noted

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