Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

Report of the Community Safety Manager


The Committee received a report of the Community Safety Manager detailing activity undertaken since the last meeting. The following points were noted:


-       A common reporting and recording standard was required for incidents of antisocial behaviour for a legal basis to be formed for convictions. This was being rolled out across the organisation.

-       No Prevent referrals had been received for residents in the City. The Strategy needed to be refreshed 

-       There had been no attendees to the first resident engagement session. Officers undertook to liaise with the relevant ward Members to increase engagement.

-       Jon Averns had been appointed the Deputy Chairman of the Serious Organised Crime Board, regular updates from which would be coming to the Group in future.

-       A Communications plan was being developed to help advertise forthcoming activities.


 Members welcomed the progress monitoring tool and asked that completed actions be retained for re-evaluation in future years.



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