Agenda item

Parking Ticket Office Update and Annual Statistics for 2015-2016


The Committee received a report advising on the activities and progress of the Parking Ticket Office (PTO).

The report advised of the key successes and improvements over what had been a highly successful year, particularly in relation to improving on previous performance, mitigating the impact of a change in legislation that banned the use of CCTV for issuing Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs, parking tickets) for certain contraventions and the PTO becoming even more effective in the use of technology.  It also set out the key business challenges for the coming year. 

Members of the Committee raised a number of questions in relation to illegal parking by delivery vans, advantages and disadvantages of clamping, the introduction of a freight strategy and the impact of the body worn cameras for parking enforcement officer.

A Member commented that that the Parking Ticket Office should consider taking a stand at the London Summit and it was agreed that this would be looked into.

RESOLVED – That the report be noted and that officers explore the merits of taking a stand at the London Summit.


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