Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 27 September 2016.


The minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2016 were agreed as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:


Item 6 – Tudor Street Safety Reports

“New Tudor Street” to be “New Bridge Street”


“Officers agreed to look into whether an underpass within the area could be used by pedestrians to reduce overcrowding” to be ““Officers agreed to look into whether the existing underpass could be better utilised by pedestrians to reduce overcrowding”.


Matters Arising

The Chairman updated the Committee on the planning process for the redevelopment of the Tudor Street junction. A design had now been finalised and agreed by the Temple and Transport for London (TfL) (subject to final modelling), with vehicular egress maintained from Tudor Street in both directions and ingress moved to Bridewell Place. A report would be submitted to the Planning and Transportation Committee in December 2016, with a final with a final report being made to the Court of Common Council in January 2017. The exact cost of the scheme, with funding split between the Corporation and TfL would be confirmed in the report.


A Member stated that the impact on future development of Ludgate Circus from the additional traffic lights should be considered. It was confirmed TfL would be assessing the impact of the lights.


The Chairman requested that an update on Tudor Street be included as a standing item on the agenda.


Supporting documents: