Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


The Sub-Committee considered a late report of the Commissioner of Police which provided a quarterly summary of activity undertaken by the Transport and Highways Operations Group in the City of London Police.


The Sub-Committee discussed whether it was possible to determine the effect of the reduction in speed on casualty numbers, as cause and effect were hard to define with many variables. It was reported that although it was difficult to reduce collisions, those that took place at a lower speed were less likely to result in serious injury.


Members requested the following changes to future iterations of the report:


-       Interpretation of the figures, with key trends drawn out

-       Explanation of acronyms

-       Distinction between serious vs slight injury explained

-       Graphs to be presented in colour.

-       Enforcement action taken against Construction Vehicles

-       Suggestions for possible solutions to the issues presented.


Officers invited the Committee to participate in a speed gun exercise to provide a practical demonstration of enforcement.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.


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