Agenda item

Pay Award 2012/13

27th March 2012


Each year, the recognised Trade Unions submit a pay claim on behalf of the staff to take effect from the 1st July in that year. Due to financial pressures across the organisation and the Government’s public sector pay policy, pay awards have been minimal in the last three years.  The last consolidated pay award was made in 2009 when a 1% increase on basic pay was made to all staff excluding Chief Officers. This was agreed on the basis of productivity savings including the removal of up to three days protected annual leave by the end of 2012.

In 2010, there was no pay award to staff. In 2011, due to the financial pressures faced by the City of London and the government’s public sector pay policy, the City made a one-off non-consolidated payment of £250 to staff in grades A-B who are the lowest paid staff within the organisation.

This year, after consulting with the Town Clerk and the Chamberlain, the Establishment Committee felt able to make an offer to staff, subject to the agreement of the Court of Common Council. Whilst accepting that this could not be an across the board cost of living increase, an offer to increase London Weighting was made. This was to be consolidated and was the equivalent of £300 on Inner London Weighting and will be awarded to all staff with the exception of the Senior Management Grade i.e. Chief Officers. The unions felt able to recommend this to their members and have now confirmed that their members have overwhelmingly accepted the offer.

The cost of the offer to increase London Weighting would add £1.13 million to the pay bill (circa 1%) including employer’s on-costs. The Chamberlain included this figure in his financial report which was agreed by Finance Committee.

We therefore recommend that this Court agree the offer to increase London Weighting by £300 for all staff below the Senior Management Grade from 1st July 2012.

(There will, in the usual way, be a ballot on this item at the time Items 7 and 8 are taken)






(Deputy John Barker, O.B.E.)


Pay Award 2012/13

 27th March 2012


Each year, the recognised Trade Unions submit a pay claim on behalf of the staff to take effect from the 1st July in that year. Due to financial pressures across the organisation and the Government’s public sector pay policy, pay awards have been minimal in the last three years.  The last consolidated pay award was made in 2009 when a 1% increase on basic pay was made to all staff excluding Chief Officers. This was agreed on the basis of productivity savings including the removal of up to three days protected annual leave by the end of 2012.

In 2010, there was no pay award to staff. In 2011, due to the financial pressures faced by the City of London and the government’s public sector pay policy, the City made a one-off non-consolidated payment of £250 to staff in grades A-B who are the lowest paid staff within the organisation.

This year, after consulting with the Town Clerk and the Chamberlain, the Establishment Committee felt able to make an offer to staff, subject to the agreement of the Court of Common Council. Whilst accepting that this could not be an across the board cost of living increase, an offer to increase London Weighting was made. This was to be consolidated and was the equivalent of £300 on Inner London Weighting and will be awarded to all staff with the exception of the Senior Management Grade i.e. Chief Officers. The unions felt able to recommend this to their members and have now confirmed that their members have overwhelmingly accepted the offer.

The cost of the offer to increase London Weighting would add £1.13 million to the pay bill (circa 1%) including employer’s on-costs. The Chamberlain included this figure in his financial report which was agreed by Finance Committee.

We therefore recommend that this Court agree the offer to increase London Weighting by £300 for all staff below the Senior Management Grade from 1st July 2012.



The Court proceeded, in accordance with Standing Order No. 10, to ballot on the report.


The Lord Mayor appointed the Chief Commoner and the Chairman of the Finance Committee, or their representatives, to be the scrutineers of the ballot.


Resolved – That the report be agreed to subject to the result of the ballot; the votes to be counted at the conclusion of the Court and the result printed in the Summons for the next meeting.



The meeting commenced at 1 p.m. and ended at 2.10pm



Court of Common Council on Thursday 24th May, 2012.

Minutes to note that:-


The Town Clerk reported that the Lord Mayor was unable to attend the Court as he was overseas, whereupon, this day was produced and read in Court a Warrant signed by The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor appointing a locum tenens to transact all the business appertaining to the Office of Mayoralty of this City during his absence. (There was therefore no report of overseas visits).