Agenda item

Special Representative to Asia

Report of the Director of Economic Development.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Economic Development concerning the creation of a new post of Special Representative for Asia.


The Chairman was heard in support of the report. He advised that it followed the City Corporation’s approach in dealing with Europe and pointed out that an individual had already been identified given the special nature of the job and the limited options it presented.


A Member questioned whether the approach suggested was sufficient given the difference between the Chinese and Indian markets. He stated that in his view further information and options were required in order for the Committee to make a decision on such an important matter.The Member advised that the proposal was an expensive approach, and the key to obtaining value was the ability of the role to engage with “docking stations” (offices) in the markets and also to operate in London. In order for the proposal to be successful the individual appointed would also need to have convening power and credibility.


During further discussion following comments were made:-


·             whilst the model adopted for Europe was successful, the one size approach was not always effective;


·             some Members were of the opinion that the difference in the two markets was significant enough to warrant the appointment two separate individuals;


·             currently the City Corporation’s activities in Asia were insufficient and having a fulltime person representing the organisation would be a huge benefit;


·             whilst the two markets were different the government currently had one Minister covering Asia;


·             having a representative for Asia was important and whilst the budget should be controlled the appointment should not be constrained by it. As long as this, the terms of reference and ways of working were clearly specified the need for a separation of the two markets could be developed as the initiative progressed on the basis of the Chinese market being a priority. The Committee supported this approach.


RESOLVED – that subject to the approval of the Establishment Committee and the Court of Common Council, approval be given to the creation of a new fixed-term post of Special Representative to Asia for the purposes and on the terms set out in the report and to the recruitment process as set out in paragraph 8 of the report.


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