Agenda item

Crosby Square Steps EC2N

Works of hard and soft landscaping to the steps leading from Undershaft to Crosby Square, including the re-grading of the steps, installation of a public lift, provision of handrails and seating and the planting of new trees.



The Committee considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer in respect of a planning application concerning Crosby Square Steps, London EC2N.


Members were advised that the application concerned works of hard and soft landscaping to the steps leading from Undershaft to Crosby Square, including the re-grading of the steps, installation of a public lift, provision of handrails and seating and the planting of new trees.  It was noted that the lamp post which was currently positioned on the steps would need to be moved and a condition had been included requiring details of its repositioning. With regards to the creation of small terraces for seating alongside landscaping, advice had been received from Officers within the Open Spaces Department that this would be difficult to achieve due to insufficient space and the Chief Planning officer advised Members that the matter would be explored further and with conditions imposed where necessary.  


Resolved:- That the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director be delegated authority to consider any objections received prior to the expiry of the consultation period and to grant planning permission in accordance with the details set out in the attached schedule subject to: (i) the Chief Planning Officer being satisfied there are no new considerations raised by any new objections; and (ii) any necessary S106 agreement.



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