Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

Report of the Community Safety Manager


The Group received a report of the Community Safety Manager detailing activity undertaken since the last meeting. The following points were noted:


-        The Group noted that due to a number of factors external to the City there was in fact no pan-London Christmas alcohol campaign led by the London Ambulance Service and the GLA, for us to work with this year. There was also no Alcohol Recovery Centre. Hopefully the issues that led to these situations will be resolved for Christmas 2017. Officers were drafting a letter due to be sent from the Town Clerk to the Chief Executive of the London Ambulance Service regarding the matter.


-        Officers informed Members that the experimental service of a Police Officer accompanying a member of the London Ambulance Service on cycles at night time in the City over the Christmas period had worked extremely well with a huge reduction in referrals to hospital and Officer time spent taking care of minor incidents.


-        The Serious and Organised Crime Board Chairman, John Simpson, and Deputy Chairman of the Board, Jon Averns, met with Detective Chief Superintendent Jane Gyford on 6 December to discuss progress and seek advice about how best to take things further forward. After helpful discussions from both sides it was decided that the nextmeeting of the SOC Board on 22 December would include a useful explanation of the Four P’s Framework (Prevent, Prepare, Pursue, and Protect) so that members of the Board understood the methodology of the Framework and how it can be utilised to tackle various forms of crime. It was agreed that each key crime area identified by the City of London Police would be discussed by the Serious and Organised Crime Board. Monthly dates have been scheduled up to the end of June and the next two meetings will be looking at Fraud and Cyber Enabled Crime on 27 January and Financial Crime on 28 February.



RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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