Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

Report of the Community Safety Manager


The Group received a report of the Community Safety Team Manager providing an update on activity by the Community Safety Team.


The Community Safety Team Manager explained that rising acquisitive crime figures were a particular concern.  This may be an area where the perceived safety of the City is a contributory factor.  Given the high volume of acquisitive crimes ait plays a significant role in the City’s overall crime figures.


The Director of Port Health and Public Protection provided an update from the last Serious and Organised Crime Board meeting to the Group.  He explained that acquisitive crime had been a significant topic of discussion.  On the topic of the Serious and Organised Crime Board the Chairman explained that the national strategy sets out priority areas for work, and that we in the process of discussing these at monthly meetings.  Once each area had been considered the City of London would be able to determine which areas it should focus on/


On staffing the Community Safety Team Manager explained that one of the two Community Safety Team Officer posts within the Team has been vacant since February, and this has put additional pressure on the output of the team.  It was hoped this situation would be resolved shortly.


The Commissioner of Police explained to the Group the work on suicide prevention in the form of a “street triage” in which nurses come out to carry out short assessments on individuals had been very positively received.  The chairman asked who was funding this initiative.  The Commissioner confirmed that this was funded primarily by the CoLP with support from Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).  This followed on from the successful trialling of a combination of a bicycle paramedic alongside a bicycle police officer over the Christmas period.


[RESOLVED] – That the report be received.


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