Agenda item

Eastern City Cluster - Public Art (Year 6 & 7-9)

For Decision


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment which provided an overview on Year six of the Sculpture in the City project; advised on preparations for Year seven; and reviewed funding for the delivery of Years eight and nine. Officers advised that a three year cycle for this project had previously been approved and that over the next three years, options would be considered such as; expansion of the online education programme, increasing the global reach through working with international artists, and continuing to support local UK artists.


In response to a Member’s question on an increase in costs in relation to staffing, officers advised that in previous years the project had been partially staffed through existing City employees, but the £90,000 would provide specifically assigned staff to the project.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee:

a)    note the contents of the report;

b)    agree to retain the project in-house for the next three years;

c)    agree that any underspend from previous years be transferred to future years of the project;

d)    approve the appointment and/or procurement of all services associated with the delivery of the project for years 2017-19 in accordance with Section 5 of the report; and

e)    delegate authority to the Director of Transportation and Public Realm and Head of Finance to adjust the project budget between staff costs, fees and works (and between Years seven to nine), providing the overall budget is not exceeded.

Supporting documents: