Agenda item

Crossrail Urban Realm Projects: Update Report

For Decision


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment which advised of the status of the Crossrail proposals for the areas immediately surrounding the three station accesses in the City.


The Sub-Committee was advised that a resolution had been received from the Markets Committee which noted that Members of the Markets Committee were dissatisfied with the compromise with Crossrail to accommodate a formal, 15 metre long, loading bay for market trader use towards the northern end of Lindsey Street and that the Committee maintained the view that the cycle stands could lead to problems in navigating the turn on the corner of the street.


In response, officers addressed the concerns of the Markets Committee by advising the Sub-Committee that the original loading bays used by the Market had been under hoarding for a number of years and the activities of the Market had continued. Officers further advised that a compromise had been proposed as a result of discussions with the Markets and Crossrail of a loading bay that could be used by the Markets and would also be available to pedestrians during peak hours. Officers advised that they felt this was an acceptable solution.


Officers further advised that in response to the concerns in relation to the cycle stands, they felt that the turn was wide enough and could be used by large vehicles, citing the example of a 16 metre refrigerated vehicle which successfully navigated the turn with the stands in place, but would be disposed to look at modifying the position of the cycle stands to allow for overrun onto the footway.


Members raised that they would expect an uptake in cyclists in the Liverpool Street area and asked that provisions be made for them.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee:

a)    note that the public realm proposals for the Crossrail Work Sites in the City have been submitted to the City, as Local Planning Authority under Schedule 7 of the Crossrail Act and a delegated decision is due by the end of 2016;

b)    in respect of the Crossrail Work Sites approve the proposed new loading bay, footway build-out and taxi rank on Lindsey Street (Farringdon East Station), subject to i) a Waiting and Loading Order being approved in respect of the loading bay and ii) the taxi rank being appointed by the Commissioner of the City of London Police;

c)    in respect of the Crossrail Work Sites note that a new project will be initiated to manage the reinstatement of land at the Finsbury Circus construction shaft;

d)    in respect of the Wider Work Areas authorise officers to complete the design of the areas immediately adjacent to the Crossrail Works Sites at Liverpool Street and Moorgate (the Wider Work Areas), and further authorise the release of the following additional funds for this purpose: £213,000 for Liverpool Street, and £218,000 for Moorgate, both to be funded by S106 funds.

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