Agenda item

The City Bridge Trust Strategic Review

Presentation from Sufina Ahmad, Head of Strategic Review.


The Chairman welcomed Sufina Ahmad (Head of the City Bridge Trust Strategic Review), Kyro Brooks (On Purpose Associate), Judith McNeil (Director of Philanthropy at the Mercers’ Company) and Michael Jarvis (Master of the Clothworkers’ Company) to the meeting.


Ms Ahmad gave an overview of the City Bridge Trust Strategic Review which had formally launched in October 2016 and would develop the funding strategy for 2018-2023. Ms Ahmad advised that there was a large degree of commonality between the Trust and the Social Investment Board’s purpose and she was keen for the Board to engage with the review and help shape the resulting strategy. Members were informed about the work underway to engage with internal and external stakeholders and research commissioned, and noted that Member events were in place from January along with updates in the Members’ Briefing. In response to Members’ questions, Ms Ahmad advised that a hashtag - #BridgingLondon – was facilitating an online dialogue and that the draft funding strategy would be going out for consultation in February.