Agenda item

Future Management of the Guildhall Centenary Fund

Report of the Assistant Town Clerk and Cultural Hub Director.


The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Town Clerk and Cultural Hub Director regarding the Guildhall Library Centenary Fund.


The Chairman stated that she felt it was clear from the report and also from previous discussions that this Committee had had around the Fund that it ought to be retained.


The Comptroller and City Solicitor reported that, as the Fund was a charity, due process would need to be followed if Members were minded to discharge this. This would involve a case being put to the Charity Commission clearly setting out the reasons why the Fund should no longer continue. A report would then also need to be considered by the Court of Common Council recommending the closure of the Fund if Members decided to pursue this.


The Comptroller and City Solicitor went on to remind the Committee that a report on the future of the Fund had previously been considered in 2010. At this time, the Committee’s decision was that the Fund should continue with re-focused effort on its future development.


The Assistant Town Clerk and Cultural Hub Director reported that the Head of Guildhall & City Business Libraries was of the view that she would like more time to look at how the Fund was managed and how it might be used more productively going forward. The Chairman reported that she had already had some initial discussions with the Head of Guildhall & City Business Libraries around this and had suggested that she might look to engage a ‘Friends’ group or something similar going forward.


RESOLVED – That Members agree that the Fund be retained for the time being and request that they be provided with a further update as to how its potential benefits could be capitalised upon for the future conservation and care of the heritage collections at a future meeting.


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