Agenda item

Appointment of Independent Person (Standards)

7th June 2012


Under section 28 of the Localism Act 2011, which will, once fully brought into force, abolish the current standards regime under the Local Government Act 2000, the City must appoint at least one independent person whose views (i) must be sought, and taken into account, by the City before it makes its decision on an allegation that it has decided to investigate; (ii) may be sought by the City in relation to an allegation in other circumstances; and (iii) may be sought by a member against whom an allegation has been made.  Given the contrasting roles that an independent person may be asked to perform and taking into account scheduling considerations, it has been recommended that three independent persons be appointed (from the point that section 28 of the Localism Act 2011 comes into force) [Item 12 on the summons].  Independent persons must not have been a member, co-opted member or officer of the authority in the last five years, nor be a relative or close friend of a member, co-opted member or officer.


Vacancies must be advertised, candidates must submit an application and appointments must be approved by a majority of Members of the Court of Common Council. The selection and appointment procedure for the post of Independent Person was approved by your Policy and Resources Committee and thereafter approved by the Court of Common Council (under urgency procedures) in March 2012.  Since this time, the selection and appointment process has been progressed with a vacancy advertised in the City AM (hard copy), on the City of London website, the Guardian On-line and the public appointments section on the Cabinet Office website as of 1 May 2012.  The deadline for receipt of applications was midday on Friday 18 May 2012, at which point twelve completed applications had been received.


The Selection and Appointment Panel comprising of the Chief Commoner, the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and a representative of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee met on 31 May 2012 to short-list and thereafter interviews were held on 14 June 2012.  The recommended appointments were approved under urgency procedures (Standing Order 41 (a)) by the Policy and Resources Committee.


Given the timescales for conclusion of the selection process and approval by your Committee and this Court of the recommended appointments to the position of Independent Person, information about each of the recommended appointees will be circulated via email. 


We recommend approval of the three appointments to the position of Independent Person, as per the information circulated via email.


Appointment of Independent Person (Standards) 


7th June 2012


Under section 28 of the Localism Act 2011, which will, once fully brought into force, abolish the current standards regime under the Local Government Act 2000, the City must appoint at least one independent person whose views (i) must be sought, and taken into account, by the City before it makes its decision on an allegation that it has decided to investigate; (ii) may be sought by the City in relation to an allegation in other circumstances; and (iii) may be sought by a member against whom an allegation has been made.  Given the contrasting roles that an independent person may be asked to perform and taking into account scheduling considerations, it has been recommended that three independent persons be appointed (from the point that section 28 of the Localism Act 2011 comes into force) [Item 12 on the summons].  Independent persons must not have been a member, co-opted member or officer of the authority in the last five years, nor be a relative or close friend of a member, co-opted member or officer.


Vacancies must be advertised, candidates must submit an application and appointments must be approved by a majority of Members of the Court of Common Council. The selection and appointment procedure for the post of Independent Person was approved by your Policy and Resources Committee and thereafter approved by the Court of Common Council (under urgency procedures) in March 2012.  Since this time, the selection and appointment process has been progressed with a vacancy advertised in the City AM (hard copy), on the City of London website, the Guardian On-line and the public appointments section on the Cabinet Office website as of 1 May 2012.  The deadline for receipt of applications was midday on Friday 18 May 2012, at which point twelve completed applications had been received.


The Selection and Appointment Panel comprising of the Chief Commoner, the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen and a representative of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee met on 31 May 2012 to short-list and thereafter interviews were held on 14 June 2012.  The recommended appointments were approved under urgency procedures (Standing Order 41 (a)) by the Policy and Resources Committee.


Given the timescales for conclusion of the selection process and approval by your Committee and this Court of the recommended appointments to the position of Independent Person, information about each of the recommended appointees will be circulated via email. 


We recommend approval of the three appointments to the position of Independent Person, as per the information circulated via email.


The Town Clerk reported that the Selection and Appointment Panel had met the previous Thursday and their recommendations had been sent to all Members by email on Friday attaching the CVs of the three proposed appointees namely Chris Taylor, Anju Sanehi and Neil Austen.


Resolved: That Chris Taylor, Anju Sanehi and Neil Austen be appointed to the position of Independent Person, as set out above.