Agenda item

Apprenticeships - Expansion of the Apprenticeship Provider Service

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.


Members noted that the City of London Corporation (City Corporation) is committed to delivering 100 apprenticeships across its departments in 2017/18. The delivery of this commitment, and the outstanding level of service the City Corporation seeks, will require additional staffing and resources. Officers sought Member approval of the proposed staffing structure, which includes the creation of an additional post over and above the existing apprenticeships team and funding to support it.


Discussions ensued regarding the recruitment of six members of staff to assist with the implementation of the Apprenticeship Scheme. The City Corporation is already both an employer of apprentices and an approved apprenticeship provider - training and supporting apprentices employed by the City Corporation and a range of other City businesses. The number of internal apprentices employed within the City Corporation has remained broadly static over the last few years at around 25 to 30.  To grow from this position and to offer a sustainable 100 apprenticeships year on year, will require additional staffing resources in the provider service and related roles.  This report seeks approval for the creation of the required additional roles and the corresponding increases to baseline budgets.


Some Members of the Committee raised concerns regarding the resources dedicated to the scheme, namely the cost effectiveness of recruiting six members of staff to deliver the scheme. Officers informed Members that these Officers would be required to deliver a successful outreach programme to ensure members of the community were made aware of the scheme. The Officers would assist with ensuring the scheme helped to deliver the City Corporation’s wider social objectives by reaching out to those who required extra support and assistance. However, Members insisted that Officers should reconsider the recommendation prior to the report being considered by the Establishment Committee and Resource Allocation Sub Committee.


Resolved – that Members approved the Apprenticeship scheme Service Provider and asked Officers to review the proposed structure of the apprenticeship and additional supporting roles.

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