Agenda item

External Repair Works at Magistrates Court - Gateway 1&2 Project Proposal

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor regarding a Gateway 1&2 Project Proposal for External Repair Works at the City Magistrates Court.


The City Surveyor reported that the project proposal encompassed a number of building, repairs and maintenance works identified as being required for completion in 2018/19 at the City Magistrates Court in order to keep the premises functioning as is.


The City Surveyor went on to report that the external works required on the City Magistrates Court had previously been postponed to await the completion of the nearby Bloomberg development. However, it was now proposed that these works be brought forward, something which the Projects Sub Committee had agreed to at their meeting last month.


The Chairman highlighted that there would be further discussion around a wider strategy for the future of the City Magistrates Court in the non-public session of the meeting. However, the proposed building, repairs and maintenance work detailed within the report would be required regardless of any future decision.


The City Surveyor reported that the only possible area of the works that could be aborted was the roof replacement as, if the building were to be sold at any point in the future, the purchaser may want/need to construct additional floors.


In response to a question, the City Surveyor reported that current works around Bank would be taken into account in the phasing of any future works to be carried out on the City Magistrates Court once the full scope and costs of the works required was known.


RESOLVED – That, the Sub-Committee agree with the recommendation that the Project proceed to the next Gateway on the Regularroute.


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