Agenda item

Comptroller and City Solicitor's Departmental Risk Management report

Report of the Comptroller and City Solicitor.


The Committee received a report of the Comptroller and City Solicitor which provided an update on the departmental risks at 31 March 2017.


A Member of the Committee raised the point that the LMA had been deemed as unsuitable as part of the business continuity test and asked whether an alternative location had been identified. The Comptroller and City Solicitor explained that although accommodation had not been found, it was hoped that remote working could be used as a solution.


In response to a Member’s question on whether the risk in relation to Oracle OPN could be removed now that that the current risk score was lower than the target risk score, the Comptroller and City Solicitor acknowledged that this had been an area which had caused concern in the past, but if there were any future failings, it could be looked at again.


RESOLVED – That the Committee note the report.

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